Black is strength and we will fight till all the battles are won. Good work sir

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Looks like we ain't winning any battle. Compare the treatment meted to the Black Lives Matter protesters and how the Capitol invaders/terrorists were handled.

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Colin Kaepernick is a strong man who have power and will to fight against racist system. Those people who have the same views must support him in every way they can do.

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I can't agree less Katarios. So sad he has not been signed back. Too much lip service to his plight but little action.

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Wow.. this good we blacks have a say in what we do and we shouldn't be treated not important... we also have a future nice..

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I just got to know about Kaepernick and the CC too through this thread. Interesting read, grateful. In addition, we as blacks need to love ourselves and each other more by treating each other better. We can't expect another race to respect you if we do not respect ourselves.

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Thanks for your submission. It is always a delight getting your response to burning issues.

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